The Honest Truth About Hiring A Maid Service
You don’t need one! The Honest Truth Is,
You also don’t need a 60” 4k flat screen TV, or a boat or a puppy, but these things are nice to have, aren’t they? Yes, they certainly are. No one needs to hire a maid service. Cleaning is exhausting and a real pain but, anybody can do it. The honest truth Most people would just avoid cleaning altogether if not for the threat of disease and sickness. Yeah it sucks that much!
We have decided to list the many reasons why you should hire a maid service instead of spending 7 hours of your week cleaning and doing household chores.
The honest truth is cleaning sucks. But it’s not impossible. And most people would rather avoid it all together. Most men certainly do. I’m certain women don’t find cleaning to be a charming pastime to look forward too either.
Below are a few great reasons why you should hire a cleaning company. All of which are legit reasons why you should do so.
Here Goes Nothing!
- You would rather watch your house burn instead of cleaning it again.
- You’re a man you’re a slob.
- You’re a single man and a slob.
- Your husband is a slob and you refuse to be his personal maid.
- Your kids refuse to clean up after themselves and you feel the same way.
- You’re older now and can’t clean like the young whipper snapper you once were.
- Cleaning just isn’t your thing.
- You’re tired of cleaning and want an indefinite break.
- You don’t want to be an adult today.
- Your wife is out for your blood and you need to make up now!
- You’re a grandma now and want to live a life of comfort.
- You’re retired and want to live a life of comfort. Live it up, you deserve it.
- You recently hit the lottery.
- Your TV show is way more important than the weekly chores.
- Your irritating in-laws are coming over and you want to prove them wrong about you.
- Your wonderful in-laws are coming over and you don’t want them to know who you really are.
- Your probation officer is making a home visit and you want to get rid of any trace evidence.
- You’re rich and want to show off how loaded you are.
- Your house is way too big for you to clean by yourself.
- You screwed up again and need to say you’re sorry.
- Valentine’s Day is around the corner and she doesn’t want the same old tired gifts from before.
- You’re high maintenance and need pampering.
- You’re lazy and rather not get involved with anything that doesn’t involve food, TV, or alcohol.
All Great Reasons!
Any reason you have to call a maid service is as good as any. We don’t care why you call. We only care that you’re happy and we certainly don’t judge.
- First, you will want to browse through the cleaning packages we offer
- Next, fill out a appointment request form and we will call you to confirm your appointment
- Finally, we come to home on the appointment date you set and get to work
Click here to view our cleaning packages.